All the webcams located on Switzerland

Webcams map in region

Visualisez les webcams situées en Suisse, triées par autoroute

59 webcams are displayed on this page

All the webcams on A2 (Switzerland)

Prattein to Basel (BK 0.10)
Seelisberg tunnel to Altdorf (BK 40.10)
Seelisberg tunnel to Lucerne (BK 50.00)
Goshenen to Lugano (BK 169.90)
Gotthard tunnel to Airolo (BK 123.50)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 108.00)
Gotthard tunnel to Goshenen (BK 123.00)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 108.00)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 106.70)
Airolo to Lugano (BK 106.40)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 107.80)
Quinto to Gotthard tunnel (BK 103.00)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 107.00)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 104.90)
Quinto to Gotthard tunnel (BK 104.40)
Airolo to Gotthard tunnel (BK 106.10)
Lugano to Lugano (BK 20.80)
Lugano to Como (EN) (BK 20.80)
Melide to Como (EN) (BK 18.00)
Mendrisio to Lugano (BK 4.40)
Mendrisio to Chiasso (BK 4.40)
Coldrerio to Chiasso (BK 4.10)
Balerna to Milan (BK 3.30)
Balerna to Chiasso (BK 2.80)
Balerna to Como (EN) (BK 1.20)
Chiasso to Lugano (BK 0.30)
Chiasso to Como (EN) (BK 0.30)
Chiasso to Como (EN) (BK 0.30)

All the webcams on A1 (Switzerland)

All the webcams on A4 (Switzerland)

Zurich to Winterthur (BK 298.80)

All the webcams on N21 (Switzerland)

Bourg-Saint-Pierre to Turin (BK 0.00)

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